TOV Delegation

A Tikun Olam Volunteer (TOV) delegation brings together 24 grade 9 students from Montreal who come to Israel to contribute to the Israeli community with grade 9 students from Be’er Sheva and the B’nei Shimon Regional Council.

The Montreal students arrive in Israel in February and begin volunteering at several projects within the different communities in Be’er Sheva-B’nei Shimon. The students are exposed to personal stories, participating in joint activities, and creating meaningful friendships for the rest of life.

The Partnership Together Be’er Sheva – B’nei Shimon – Montreal invites grade 9 students from Be’er Sheva and B’nei Shimon to participate in a unique experience and get to know the culture of the Jewish community in different parts of the world. Many of the program’s participants stay in touch with each other and create long-term international relationships, and even meet independently of the program when friends from Montreal come to visit Israel. This experience is led by our alums who participated in the “Shagririm” program.

Want to join the next TOV delegation with us?
Please fill out the form so we can be in touch!

    *Indicates required information.